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Showing posts from January, 2021


8TH JANUARY, 2021 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT PERFORMANCE OF MINISTERS, 2020 FAKS Investigative Services announced to the general public the Performance of Ministers, Deputy Ministers, and Regional Ministers for 2020. The annual survey also included the performance of Members of Parliament and Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in the country. Despite the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), the exercises was successfully. The 2020 survey focuses on opinions from the public and as well as some assessment from the ministries, agencies and as well as the regions. The public, mainly our respondents, contributed largely to the outcome of this survey, especially the Ministers, Deputy Ministers and the Regional Ministers. The FAKS team is made up of researchers, media practitioners and academia that made the assessment based on the outcome of the findings they had. The survey took place between the mon...